Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Hi :3 okay, I know I didn't write anything on Friday. Sorry. But hey, I found some awesome pictures on the internet.
Train. Asdfghjkl. It's so perff.
I really really really really really really really really reaaaaaaaaally want to live in London one day.
Fallen angel! *squeal* :'D
If Marshall Lee was real, I'd do anything to date him. *sigh dreamily*
I wanna get a hair like this,
Or this!
It's cute how he would never stop teases her :3
Damn straight.
All, except Madrid. Puff.
I wish I could draw this :s

Paris! *shiny eyes*
True, true.

I wish my parents would let me do this :s geesh.

I just thought it was pretty.....
True, again xD
